Channel: Big Data – Interweb3000
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Data Selfie – Was Facebook über uns weiß


Mir ist klar, dass Facebook meine Daten sammelt und quasi jede Bewegung meines Mauszeigers analysiert. Trotzdem blende ich diese Tatsache – wie wohl die meisten – im Alltag weitgehend aus. Nachdem jetzt zwei Programmierer mit Data Selfie eine kleine Erweiterung für Chrome gebastelt haben, die trackt und (zumindest ansatzweise) visualsiert, was dabei so an Daten anfällt, werde ich mich in nächster Zeit wohl etwas intensiver damit auseinandersetzen müssen. Der Code zu Data Selfie ist Open Source und auf GitHub veröffentlicht. Interessantes Projekt, ich bin schon auf meine Auswertung gespannt.

Data Selfie explores our relationship to the online data we leave behind as a result of media consumption and social networks. In the modern age, almost everyone has an online representation of oneself and we are constantly and actively sharing information publically on various social media platforms. At the same time we are under constant surveillance by social media companies and “share” information unconsciously. How do our data profiles, the ones we actively create, compare to the profiles made by the machines at Facebook, Google and Co. – the profiles we never get to see, but unconsciously create?

Why does Facebook need your phone number or your phone contacts or the data from your WhatsApp account? Why does Facebook track the time you spend looking at the posts in your news feed? Is the sole purpose of this data gathering to serve us more relevant ads? Is there something else afoot?

Data Selfie is an application that aims to provide a personal perspective on data mining, predictive analytics and our online data identity – including inferred information from our consumption. In our data society algorithms and Big Data are increasingly defining our lives. Therefore, it is important – especially for those who are indifferent to this issue – to be aware of the power and influence your own data has on you.

(via Das Filter).

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